Mr. Dharam Pal Aggarwal

Shakti International is 25 years old establishment and well known company in International market dealing in all types of raw materials required for Woollen and Textile Industry. In the domestic market, we are known for our reputation, fair dealings and proper follow ups.

We work with a strong motive of providing proper service and long term satisfaction to our clients.

We are looking forward for your queries to enable us respond accordingly.

Company Profile    
Company’s Name:    M/s Shakti International and M/S Bhawani & Co.
Country/Territory:   India
Address:    K- 59, Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana, India
Products we deal in:  
Wool, Wool Tops, Wool Wastes, Angora/Cashmere-Fibres, Tops & Yarns, Silk Top Yarns, Synthetic Fabrics-Acrylic, Polyester, Nylon, Viscose, Acrylic/Polyester Blankets, Chemicals, Fancy Yarns etc.
Geographic Market:   Worldwide
Annual Turnover:   Rs. 500 Million
Year Established:   1983
Telephone:   +91-161-2456021, 2456791
Facsimile:   +91-161-2455932, 5022567
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